At the Okharbot ridge, the families of Kumar and Gamala live in the houses at the upper end of the small ridge. In the old farm house, Bala Ram, the farm manager, and Binod, the lodge manager stay. Down from the lodge our neighbours Nirmala and Krishna and Kedar live.
Kumar and his family live in the house closest to the Rayothok village. Kumar is the main farm hand at Okharbot. He has been living and working at the farm from the start of the company in April 2017. He has a wife - Bagavati - and two children - Gita and Rishi.
Gamala also lives at the farm. Her husband - Raj Kumar - works in Kathmandu and her children - Sirish and Suman - study in Banepa and Etey. Gamala is taking care of our three cows, but also works at the lodge. She has been living many years on the ridge.
Bala Ram is the farm manager at Okharbot Organic Farm. He joined the farm in mid 2022 and runs the agricultural part of the farm. He is living in the main old farm house at Okharbot.
Binod works at the lodge as a chef and manager. He joined the team in February 2023. He sources the ingredients for the meals at the lodge from the kitchen gardens, and cooks the meals at the farm for the visitors. He also lives in the main old farm house.
Nirmala and Krishna are direct neighbours. Their farm land is between the two parts of the Okharbot Organic Farm. Kedar lives in the house with kitchen garden just below the house of Nirmala and Krishna.
Monique and John live in the most southern house on the ridge. Their rammed earth house is overlooking the forest next to the Okharbot Organic farm.
And of course Khushi, the farm dog.